Keeping Tabs: The Future of Human Relationships

Dianne Cantor | September 2, 2021

In recent years, media topics have become more fascinating to learn about, this is mostly thanks to the rise of social media. Considering how much the media actually affects our society as a whole as well as ourselves individually, it would be quite ignorant of us to take no notice of it. Therefore we dissect and study it in every way possible, we look at it from every angle to truly get a grasp of what the media really is and what we as a society, are dealing with. 

Upon discovering that the Writing for New Media course was included in my list of classes, my mind had formulated its own expectations already. Judging by how much each social media platform is affecting everyone’s lives right now, perhaps the approach of the lessons would focus more on the specific topic. Since the world is essentially confined induced by the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous people have gained a following and an actual platform to talk about whatever they desire. Take for example the Chinese mobile application, TikTok, the video-sharing platform achieved overnight success. This success is the result of an entire population being restricted indoors for a long period of time, eliciting a bland routine in their lives, which then birthed the sudden boom of the application. Hence, approaching it from the social media lens seemed appropriate to be quite honest. 

Entering the actual class wasn’t exactly trudging through uncharted waters as most of what was covered in the past subjects have more or less included topics about media. The first few lessons discussed fundamental matters as opposed to the straightforward social media approach. The keynotes touched McLuhan, Kittler, and Castells’ theories on media. Marshall McLuhan’s theory, labeled as the Media Theory, entails the idea that “the medium is the message.” This idea has been discussed multiple times in almost every media class, the concept essentially means the manner in which we send and receive information is more significant than the information itself. McLuhan also discloses that the evolution of technology and media is an extension of man, heavily relating its development to society. Friedrich Kittler disagrees with McLuhan’s understanding of media and argues that technology and media have autonomy, therefore evolve outside of society. Lastly, Manuel Castells’ Informationalism, proposes the idea that knowledge and information are both discerned through the use of technology.

Following these fundamental theories about the media and technology, various effects of the media on society were discussed as well. A specific point that stayed with me is its effects on the future of relationships. It’s definitely no secret that one of the most prominent gifts of technology and media to us is social media, and considering how social media is now commonly used for social interaction, something which we hold dearly as a society. No man is an island, they say, well now no man without a handheld device will be one thanks to social media. Whether it’s romantic, platonic, business, brand, even celebrities and their fans, relationships have entered a new realm wherein they can still be established no matter the distance, no matter the place. 

Finding a significant other has never been easier, thanks to the advances in technology over the years. Finally, a system that enables people to discover and initiate a relationship with other people, in hopes of creating and adding something valuable to their dull lives. What a way to avoid that awkward phase in a relationship, and it’s all in the palm of their hands. This is the power of online dating. What once was pure fate can now be effortlessly manufactured through your mobile device.

Friendships can easily be formed online as well. Various different people from different parts of the world with the same interests are able to form connections, perhaps easier than people who are opting to find love. What these people look for is someone who obsesses over the same thing they’re obsessing about. “Mutuals” is the term people on the internet use to label their so-called friends, specifically on social media platforms dominated by the younger generation. 

Numerous businesses have also ventured into the social media mania to advertise their brands and products. Television commercials and out-of-home advertisements simply aren’t enough for their products to sell these days. Companies and their brands need to follow the heat, the people, they need to be where it’s at, at all times as it is simply the way of advertising. This is their way of speaking the language of the youth. Not only have they entered the scene to advertise their products, but they’ve also come to build the relationship they have with their consumers. 

Brand awareness is something companies try their absolute best to protect and preserve at all costs. As we enter an era wherein almost everything can be judged as soon as it sets foot in the eyes of the public, to which a perception sticks to you like white on rice, establishing a brand-customer relationship is more crucial than ever before. If brands interact and communicate with their consumers, they’ll eventually institute a relationship (Thompson, 2021). The result of this relationship can be very beneficial to the brand as it promotes customer loyalty. 

Altogether, it is evident that technology and media go hand in hand and have come a long way since their creation. Although something to remember is that all things possess a positive and a negative side to them. Having said that, coming a long way doesn’t necessarily mean that everything is better now. While a lot of things in our lives are now more quick and efficient thanks to the development of technology, this development has negatively impacted our society as well. If left in the hands of the wrong person, social media can quickly become a powerful tool that can damage countless individuals. Desensitization, isolation, depression, and anxiety are just some of the negative effects social media can impose on society. If I’m being completely honest, I’ve had a few of these damaging experiences myself. That is to say, I’ve been a victim of isolation and have become desensitized to a great deal of traumatic experiences thanks to the internet. Hence, one can never be too careful of the gift that is social media. So stay safe and keep tabs on your relationships.


Thompson, J. (2021, July 29). Consumers and brands maintain human-like relationships - Business News Daily.
Keeping Tabs

Keeping Tabs


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