Alan Vázquez's profile

Lotería de Día de Muertos

Lotería de Día de Los muertos 
The “Loteria de Día de los muertos” is a project that seeks to show and teach about traditional and significant elements of the Day of the Dead in Mexico through a popular game

Replacing the original elements from the traditional Lottery, now we’re able to find elements like: La calabaza en tacha (a traditional season sweet dish), La Hojaldra/ El pan de muerto, Las calaveritas y La ofrenda, some of them more well-known than others.
La lotería de día de los muertos es un proyecto que busca mostrar y enseñar elementos tradicionales y significativos del Día de muertos en México a través de un juego popular

Sustituyendo los elementos originales de la lotería, ahora nos encontramos con elementos como: La calabaza en tacha (platillo dulce tradicional de temporada), la Hojaldra/pan de muerto, Las calaveritas y la ofrenda, algunos mejor conocidos que otros.
sketches and original ideas 
process of illustration 
The original pieces were made using only black ink over canso paper,
they were cropped and edited in photoshop, and then a color background was added 
Tables & Cards
Layouts, design and color selection by: Carolyn Cuykendall 
texts, editorial design and research  by: Carolyn Cyukendall @Luchazorra
Along the tables & cards of the game information sheets were added, including some cultural information about every element in the game, instructions were also included. 
Where can I play ?
The game was released for free, so anyone could download the files from
you can also donate for the project. 
Thanks for your attention

download here:
Lotería de Día de Muertos


Lotería de Día de Muertos

La lotería de Dia de Muertos is a project created for enthusiasts of the Spanish language and Mexican culture, through a popular game with elemen Read More
