Joana Coelho's profile

"In My Mind´s Eye" - A Short Film

The goal of this exercise was to produce a short animated film (min 20 max 30 sec.) based on a circular narrative. This narrative should respond to the theme:
“In my mind’s eye”, which may be interpreted as the student see fit.
In my mind´s eye, reality is a fusion of what I can physically see with my imagination, constructed from the things that catch my attention throughout life. Among these things are superstitions, sayings, aesthetics that have accompanied me since forever.

In our dreams, whether asleep or awake, things become surreal. Elements we know from reality transform into others in the blink of an eye.

When I was little, my mother told me that whoever sees a rabbit on the moon is in love. So, every time I looked at the moon, I would search for that rabbit. When I finally found it, my mind would quickly change subjects, and that rabbit would take the form of my next thought.

I used to think that the animal and I had some sort of cosmic connection because my last name is Coelho, which means ‘rabbit’ in Portuguese. That’s why in the animation, when it explodes, we see a criminal chalk marking in the shape of a person.

This chalk form maintains a closed eye in the middle of the forehead, which opens in the last second. This is the third eye, also known as the mind’s eye, which in spirituality symbolizes a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images with significant spiritual and psychological value, providing perception beyond ordinary sight.
I used procreate to make the drawings and animation and DaVinci Resolve to put everything together and add sound
As a circular narrative, the animation should begin and end with the
same visual element — an eye — that should be positioned according
to the guide frame that was given to all students. This guide frame should
appear as the first and last frame of the animation.

Trabalho acadêmico realizado em Produção Audiovisual
2° semestre do segundo ano da Licenciatura em Design & Multimédia
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra.
"In My Mind´s Eye" - A Short Film


"In My Mind´s Eye" - A Short Film
