Current Colour Scheme
Twitter Banner (+Past/Unused Ones)
July 2021. One of my proudest creations. I took time and effort to make sure it looked how I wanted it to. And boy did it pay off.
Unused. This was initially supposed to be the banner for my website, but the formatting never worked.
May - June 2021. I thought a cleaner look would seem nice. And it did! I just got tired of it.
Unused. I wanted a dark theme to the banner, but I ultimately chose not to use it.
April 2021. I had this banner for a while, but I kept switching between this one and the other one.
March - April 2021. My personal banner at the time.
January - March 2021. Before the Team was even started.
Thank You
Team Favicon

Team Favicon

This project was fun to make. Everything used was from my Esports Team, Team Favicon. Twitter:
