Ezri Kwek's profile

Studio Project - The way we live (2019)

Studio Project - The way we live (2019)
part 1... (collaborated with 4 other students, visuals presented are re-curated by self)
Project Brief
Design Domain - The way we live 2019 is a playful investigation into the ways we live in Singapore, with a focus on the HDB environment. Disrupting the ways we live is at the same time a documentation of the housing typology as well as a speculative disruption of the status quo, where we use Surrealist and Situationist (Links to an external site.) practices to distort reality and expose potential areas for intervention in our living environment both physically and conceptually

Further into the documentation research will show the result from the study of Potong Pasir Estate through the eyes of disrupting and designing through play.
Through play
To play is to be free with expressing oneself without any restrictions, embracing
the fact that things does not need to be perfect. While implementing
the idea of bringing back what the estate used to have, giving
life to the estate once again.
(done by me)
Disrupting the way we live
The idea of disrupting the development, trying to hold on and maybe
even add on to what Potong Pasir is all about. Bringing back the sense of
nostalgia that was once familiar to the residents and something that they
could identify with as their home. Just like how the estate was the longest
holding opposition party, the rebelliousness against conforming to
what the government wants the estate to be
(done as a group)
part 2... (individual continuity project)
Studio Project - The way we live (2019)

Studio Project - The way we live (2019)


Creative Fields