Maxx Chew's profile

The Cross (Dance Concept)

In collaboration with Hope HD Movement,
We came up with a dance concept video to celebrate Good Friday.
Song were self produced by the dancers.

On Good Friday, we remember Jesus’s death on the cross.

This is the story of the pain and humiliation of Jesus; and the heartbreak and disorientation of his followers on the day he was led to the cross.

“This video is about recognising that the King of Kings came to Earth to die for us.

This piece helped me appreciate our Saviour more and not take his death for granted.” - Jolene

“While writing the chorus, "the King is hanging on the cross for my sin", I imagined myself being in the shoes of a first century citizen, witnessing Jesus's horrific death on the cross, and reflecting on its significance for me.

I hope it'll help everyone to appreciate (even just a bit more) what Christ has done for you :)” - Matthew

Director, Videographer & Editor: Maxx
Creative lead: Yunxuan
Choreographers: Jolene & Matthew
Lights Designer: Jaren
Dancers: Jolene, Matthew, Vanessa

The Cross (Dance Concept)


The Cross (Dance Concept)
