Editec UK | Sports Betting
Guess The Score Post
A pre-made templates but the text along with players and the color overlay behind them needs to be changed for every game.
The players images needs to be chosen from a website, edited and have BG removed which in this case was made by myself. 
Top Goalscorer | Post
Outright Winner | Post
The elements used in this design are some of the usual elements that should be used on each design, it is provided and approved by Editec/Goat.
The layout design and structure, the background images and the image of the player/coach, the choices of elements and placement is done by myself. 
Languages: English, French, Portuguese and Swahili. 
Editec UK | CSR Promotions
Premier Projects Africa Promotions | Post
This Design I made from scratch, had only the text needed. 
I came up with the idea, got the assets and put it together to create this Design for 
Social Media to promote and let people know that they are now on YouTube, instagram and Facebook.
Editec UK


Editec UK
