Satellite Gallery Mail Art Forum Proposal 

Why Mail Art Forum:
Initially systematized on a global scale out of the Fluxus movement in 50s and 60s, Mail Art aims for anit-art, anti-commercial aesthetics and circumvents official art distribution and approval systems such as the art market, museums, and galleries.

In other words, Mail Art opposes elitism in high art and strives equalitarian ethos through the trivial and boundaryless postal system. 

Above characteristics of Mail Art, as well as its anonymity factor, will be employed in the opening of Vancouver’s local art and cultural forum. The participants will decorate postcards and write their honest response to the local exhibitions or cultural events and either mail or drop off the postcards at Satellite Gallery. 

Mail Art is accessible to the broad public and provides a rare opportunity for people to present their work in the gallery archive and bookstore shelve display, street level window display, or postcard booklet. 

Satellite Gallery will be announcing the suggested exhibitions and cultural events for the Mail Art participants to be inspired on monthly basis
(4 to 5 events per month)

Where to be announced: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Instant Coffee, 
                                             UBC AHVA faculty email 
                                             Poster distribution at applicable galleries, community centres,  
                                             Regional Assembly of Text bulletin board 
  Which information will the posters be carrying?
               •Short intro for the Mail Art Forum and guidelines
               •Monthly event list− title of the exhibition/event, address, website, date    
               •For the hardcopy posters for the mail art call, blank postcards can  
                also be distributed for the future participants. (One poster for 20 cards) 
               •A link to the 4” x 6” postcard printable template
               • Mail Art Workshop day and time 

Once the Postcards are submitted,
                • All the submitted works will be posted online in Satellite Gallery’s  
                Instagram account ( and selected   
                works will be presented in the gallery’s bookstore shelves
              • The submitted postcards are also stored in the card album or booklet        
               and presented at the front desk or at the bookstore space. 

About the workshop
    Satellite Gallery can provide a workshop station for the gallery visitors and Mail Art    
    participants to come to the gallery and create a Mail Art works to be submitted.
    •When: Once a month
    •Duration: two hours
        -It is an open workshop, people can come any time during the first hour and leave  
         whenever they finish
    •Provided by the Gallery: Working station, some craft materials and blank postcards 
    •What would the gallery personnel do: can lead a casual discussion about 
      the suggested exhibitions and events 

Submission Call Draft 1

Working Title: Anonymity guaranteed!

Satellite Gallery presents Mail Art Forum 

Is there a real forum of art and cultural discussion in Vancouver? 
Is reading review articles and artsy bloggers tweets really enough for you to engage your true feelings about the current cultural experiences?

Were there any exhibitions that you just did not find it worth to be at? Or are there any exhibitions and event that you think it’s brilliant but no one seems to know about?

Satellite Gallery invites you to a brand new mail art forum. Send us postcards of your creation with your honest, hand−written response of:
(List of exhibitions and events)
Or any local exhibitions and events of your choice.

Anonymity guaranteed!

Technique: free (photography, painting, drawing, etching, collage, mail art boxes, rubber stamps, mixed techniques, etc.) No organic materials, such and food, plants, etc.

Type: original art, no photocopies

Size: 4”x6” 

How to submit: mail your postcards to us (Satellite Gallery, 560 Seymour Street, 2nd Floor, Vancouver, BC, V6B 3J5) or drop off the postcards in person.  

Satellite Gallery is open Wednesday to Saturday noon to 6 pm. 

All the submitted works will be posted online in Satellite Gallery’s Instagram account ( and selected works will be presented in the gallery’s bookstore shelves. 

Submission Call Draft 2
Mail Art Network: Call for Submissions

Do you have a forum to respond to art, music and performance in Vancouver? 
Do reading review articles and artsy bloggers’ tweets allow you to engage your true feelings about the cultural events you have experienced?

Satellite Gallery invites you to a brand new, temporary mail art forum where you can share your responses to a current work of art, music, or performance. Send us your thoughts and ideas, handwritten on a postcard you create yourself. The written part can take the form of a note to the artist, as series of points, or a fictional prose piece. It’s up to you.

Why Mail Art?

Initially organized on a global scale by the Fluxus movement in the 1950s and 60s, mail art aims for anti-art, anti-commercial aesthetics and circumvents official art distribution, It uses the postal system to counter the elitism of high-art institutions. Mail Art is accessible to the broad public and provides a rare opportunity for individuals to present their ideas and creative renderings.

Submissions Process:

Technique: free (photography, painting, drawing, etching, collage, mail art boxes, rubber stamps, mixed techniques, etc.). No organic materials, such as food, plants, etc.

Type: original art, no photocopies of artwork

Size: 4” x 6” [10.16 x 15. 24 cm]

How to submit: Purchase a postcard or download a free, blank postcard template at our website (hyperlink). Mail your postcards to us (Satellite Gallery, 560 Seymour Street, 2nd Floor, Vancouver, BC, V6B 3J5) or drop off the postcards in person.  Please note that submissions to the Gallery cannot be returned.

Satellite Gallery is open Wednesday to Saturday, noon to 6 pm. 

All the submitted works will be posted online on Satellite Gallery’s Instagram account (, and selected works will be presented on the Gallery’s bookstore shelves. 

Mail Art Forum

Mail Art Forum
