Job Mol's profile

2D&3D prop design, heater

2D prop design
for the next assignment we had to make prop design's. The time period was once again  gothic (periode 1140-1500) the object i had to make was an heating element
here you'll see the final design.
First sketches
I started with making sketches instead of making silhouettes. I made some of the first designs on paper with the 1 minute sketch faze where I take one minute to sketch all the ideas I could come up with. Afterwards I work them out in Photoshop.
line art
gray tone's
mood & style board
3D props
top/side/front views 
prop 1
prop 2
prop 3
prop 4
prop 5
2D&3D prop design, heater

2D&3D prop design, heater
