A board game that tells the story of some tribes of little monsters, designed and illustrated by me for a college project.
As the game progresses, the player will fall into different boxes on the board, 
each box will have an icon that will tell them what to do next.
As you progress across the board through the icons, 
you are handed instruction card, down here for example, a "Passage" card.
Other examples of cards.
Illustration made in 4 colors, black and white to be printed in silkscreen or screen printing.
Thematic illustrated pattern.
Illustration for the promotional poster of the board game.
Design of the main characters in the history of the board game.
If you made it this far, thank you for staying to see the world of my creatures!


Creatures is a project that I carried out in the asignature of Illustration Design II, with Professor Diego Vaisberg at the University of Palermo Read More
