This project's goal was to create a set of stickers. I was initially hesitant to design stickers, because I thought I would have trouble thinking of something creative or clever. 
But, when I started sketching, I was quite satisfied with the results and my creative thinking. I really liked my sketch and the idea of making an illustration of the "Ear Worm," or in other word when a song is stuck in your head. I thought it would be humorous to illustrate that literally. Then I tried to think of other puns, or wordplays that I could illustrate, which lead me to the initial ideas of the finished stickers. 
That initial sketching led me to these drafts in Illustrator. The hardest challenge was the snail's pace, because I wanted to do it in perspective, which was difficult for me. After asking some of my peers, I was able to illustrate this draft of the snail, which was not perfect but it gave me something to work with. 
After looking at some reference from pictures and real-life, I was able to finish the sticker to my liking. I even posted them on a site to sell them called Redbubble. I chose that site because I knew of it and bought some artwork for myself at some point. Here is a screenshot of my art there.
Here is a link to Redbubble:
Word Play Stickers

Word Play Stickers
