Danyale C. Walker's profile

Photoshop Creative Challenge

Parameters: I have two hours to complete each challenge. They are posted as is once the two hours have expired. 

Available for hire and projects: danyalecw@gmail.com

Cover design original photo by SOCIAL.CUT on Unsplash
Challenge: Improve a portrait with simple retouching, color and motion techniques.
Edited Photograph                                                          Original Photopgraph
Original photograph by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash
Challenge: Create digital lettering art with smudge text and brushes.

Photoshop has so many tools. The Create Work Path Tool was used to write over the text to get the painted effect with the smudge tool. I tried several bushes to try to get the lettering to be smooth to no avail. 
Edited Photograph                                                        Original Photograph
Original photograph by Leah Berman on Unsplash
Challenge: Use the pen tool to customize an existing image and make it your own.

I used the pen tool on the child but not the lady. This was interesting because this and the last one you had to invert the mask to accomplish the goal. I will have to remember when to invert and when not to. 
Original Photographs
Original photographs by Kiana Bosman and Leighann Blackwood
Challenge: Design a poster using a template and smart objects.

I had issues with my first version of this. I could not get the smart objects positioned properly so I had to start from the beginning. I have no idea why I could not make the adjustments. Because of that, I did not have a chance to change the colors or the fonts.  
Challenge: Swap image backgrounds to create a unique composite image.

It was difficult to decide how to complete this challenge. Raining donuts popped into my head and here it is. 
Original Photographs
Original photographs by Lore Schodts and Johnny Brown on Unsplash
Challenge: Design an original playing card using layers and transform tools.

This was very challenging. It took me all day to come up with a concept. ALL DAY. I finished it within two hours once I decided on a concept. I did not consider the merging of the two parts until I was almost out of time. The point of these is to be challenged and this one definitely was. I have never been stumped for so long. 
Original Photographs
Original photographs by Jaida Stewart and Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

Challenge: Design a vintage t-shirt logo using Adobe Capture and Photoshop brushes.

This was a fun project. I made the logo and used the warp tool to adjust how it looks on the shirt. 
Original photograph by Anomaly on Unsplash

Photoshop Creative Challenge


Photoshop Creative Challenge
