David Pham's profile

LockSpot Mobile

This is the case study of LockSpot, a mobile application meant to help users track their parking location with their phone.
User Survey
Making sense of Research Data

From the screener surveys and user interviews, I analyzed the answers and grouped the responses into two main takeaways: the potential types of users, and pain points.


The Memorizer - This user will memorize their location
The Landscaper - This user will take pictures of surroundings to recall their location
The Notetaker - This user takes notes on their phone to help remember their location
The Tracker - This user will pin their location on their mobile device

User Pain Points

1) Memory is unreliable
2) Subjects forget their parking spot when visiting a new, unfamiliar location
3) Notes and pictures are taken and stored in separate application, often leaving little context
Solution Ideation + Wireframes

Our memory has tendencies to be unreliable. We're much better at recalling than memorizing, but even then we might be recalling the wrong cues.

From the survey and interviews, pinning is the best way of tracking where you parked. As such, the app's main functionality will be pinning the user's parking location. Taking pictures and notes will be added as supplemental functions for added peace of mind.

Guerilla User Testing

User testings were conducted to evaluate the usability of core functionality.

1) Allocated User Task
2) Pin your parking location
3) Take a picture of your parking location
4) After taking a picture of your parking location, add notes to it for extra context
Enable location
Learning from Guerilla User Testing

1) All participants were able to navigate the interface with ease, liking the simplicity of the app
2) Users understood what most icons meant. Only the settings button needs to be  changed (far right on menu).
3) Users mentioned there was 'no easy access' for viewing picture and notes
4) Users suggested a button to update location
User Onboarding
Product Interface
LockSpot Mobile

LockSpot Mobile
