Academic project | Made in Bauhaus University in Weimar, 2015
Dreieich is a town in the Offenbach district in Germany. It is located roughly 10 km south of downtown Frankfurt am Main. The given site is located in a commercial area. It is visually separated from the city by 4-lines roads and it seems pedestrian unfriendly; There are 3 traffic lights (one should wait at least for 5 minutes to cross in particular direction).
The idea was to attract companies, startups as well as the employees from the surroundings.
The master plan proposed the design of the whole area which includes working, open, leisure and semi- space for different needs. The flows of the people organized in that way, so the center part (the steel framework with small units) expected to be dense enough almost every time of the day, because it includes a number of cafes, restaurants and residential functions.
thank you <3

