Brendon Hopgood's profile

Antennas & Aerials Site Redesign!

Antennas & Aerials Redesign and Primary Domain Change Project.
My friend had a website for his TV Antenna company on the Gold Coast called Antennas & Aerials with a now new domain name of
This website was quite bare, had no logo, had a phone number in the H1 which was not linked, broken links, and many many more issues like really short content which completely decimated this websites rankings in the December google update.

Below are examples of the design of the site on desktop, laptop, mobile, and tablet before the redesign:
Home Page Mobile, Tablet, Laptop, and Desktop.
The phone number in header does not work and the actual business name of Antennas & Aerials is not the focus or the home page of the website:
After the redesign of the home page it had much more of an antennas and aerials 2020 feel to it with new logo, business name and branding for the company, below are examples of the home page now on Mobile, Tablet, Laptop, and Desktop:
The Inner Pages Severely Lacked Content, and structure, below are examples post re-design:
After the redesign the pages were renamed and restructured for better keywords as the current ones it was ranking for have little to no traffic value, below are examples of the restructured pages, I added a header and hero image to each for aesthetics:
The Contact us page may still require some more content to be added to not bring down the overall site, but this can be done at any time and the project has been completed and handed over.
Thank You for reading and your time, I hope to see you reading my content again soon!
Kind Regards,
Break Tag Digital
Antennas & Aerials Site Redesign!

Antennas & Aerials Site Redesign!
