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Design an Instagram Campaign

Disclaimer: All content found below was part of a job application, and hypothetical in nature (it was merely to judge one's creative abilities, and was never published by the respective brand). Usage of the brand name/logo is purely representational, and the content is not endorsed by or produced under the creative license of the brand.

Task: plot a three day long Instagram campaign to relaunch an iconic home decor collection, from one of India's leading lifestyle and luxury brands.

Collection theme: Periyar, a national park and lake in Kerala, nestled within verdant groves of mango, banana and palm trees. Majestic elephants and wildflowers add to beauty of the tropical landscape.

Logo + Branding
Editorial Led Creatives
Editorial Led Content for Instagram Stories
Instagram Feed Layout & Curation
Design an Instagram Campaign

Design an Instagram Campaign

As part of an application for a role at one of India's leading lifestyle and luxury brands, I was asked to rebrand and relaunch a collection, and Read More
