Светлана Прокушева's profile

Awakening. Canvas on cardboard, 40*60, acrylic.

Awakening. Canvas on cardboard, 40*60, acrylic.
To be honest, I'm not a fan of writing huge texts, especially showing my feelings to others. But this picture, it makes sense. And I want to tell you about it…
Recently, I came to the idea that I realized myself in the role of a daughter, wife, mother, teacher, entrepreneur, but in the role of an artist really in my whole life and was not...although I draw since childhood. I draw every day with children, in notebooks, very rarely write pictures. And everything for creativity in my life is present, there is nothing to complain about...BUT!
I had a strong feeling that I wanted to paint, especially after my recent work "Inspiration". The next day, I couldn't resist running to the store to get some paints and canvas. And today I'm writing again. I write what appears in my mind, bright female images that I want to show.
While working on the picture, a lot of thoughts flashed through my head and my thoughts were about how many women lost themselves for "household chores"," at work"," for children","for a husband". They postpone their Affairs for "later", hide behind their "reservations", stop being what they were born to be-women.
Women are very beautiful, gentle, passionate, desired and loved. Women who inspire, create, create, delight.
Speaking about myself, I feel that in terms of my creative development, I am now reaching a new level. I want to create, to create something beautiful, bright, I do not have enough color and colors. Therefore, for this period of time, I transfer it to my paintings. In my work "Awakening", a girl is represented, she is more like a fairy-tale Princess who awakens, many opportunities open up before her. She feels beautiful, desirable, she glows. This picture is for a woman who is "confused in herself" or "lost herself". I want to tell such a woman to look far into herself and see this girl-Princess there, awaken herself, look at the world with "wide eyes" and see the bright colors of life, the opportunities that the universe gives her. I shook off the burden of "home life", "psychological slavery from the boss or from a loved one", which do not allow me to "breathe" fully. Or even stopped being afraid of themselves, in the sense that it does not allow itself to be realized because of the "framework" set in the head.
In each of us, such a woman lives inside – a beauty, confident, bright, energetic!
Awaken it in you!
What the next picture will be born in my head-I don't know yet, but I know for sure that it will be bright!)))
Awakening. Canvas on cardboard, 40*60, acrylic.

Awakening. Canvas on cardboard, 40*60, acrylic.
