One of my most pivotal projects came together in a moment of personal crisis. I woke up one morning and realized that, despite a life long passion for art, I was several years into a career as a telemarketer. The stress of that particular job took it's toll and that morning, I just couldn't get out of bed. I had a fever. There had to be some way for me to change the direction my life had been taking. That's when I started sketching a two page comic book style resume for myself. By the next morning, I was feeling better, but I called in sick again and worked tirelessly on the resume.

Once the pencil work was done, it took me a few days to finish inking and by that time, I was certain it would need to be colored digitally. I didn't even own a computer powerful enough to run photoshop. So, each night after work, I would drive to the local community college and use the mac workstations for the last half hour before they closed. It took weeks to finish, but in that time, I met half a dozen other people who, like me, were obsessed with some creative project.

The day came that I had finalized art and a PDF file. On my lunch break, I emailed that document to one or two staffing companies in town. By the time I got back to work, I got a call from someone who was blown away by my cartoon resume. He said he’d never seen anything like it. In that moment, twelve years ago, I began to believe that there was some way for me to become a full time artist.
Comic Resume

Comic Resume
