Giulia Di Ruscio's profile

Divino - Selected wines of Gods

Divino - Selected wines of Gods

Divino is the wine of the gods.
And the gods feast eternally,
as a symbol of their carefree happiness.
Italians have been wine lovers since ancient times.
There are important evidence that has allowed the reconstruction of daily aspects of Roman life, such as their vocation for farming and their wine producing capabilities.
Their gods were wine lovers too.
Divino takes shape from this ancient love. It is a special edition consisting of three bottles with illustrated front labels. Illustrations represent the banquet of the Gods.
/ Front label
/ Product information label
/ packaging
Divino - Selected wines of Gods

Divino - Selected wines of Gods

Divino was made for competition by WineTube. It required the realization of a line of wine bottles. Free concept.
