in part, it was a lot of effort to make a corvid-19 pun— however, it did start with me thinking about plastic as a material we’ve been using a lot this 2020 due to the pandemic. 
the mask is made out of two different pieces for a face shield, with the silhouette based off the beaks of corvids (ravens and crows) stitched together using nylon
along the way it became my reflection on plague masks and pre-germ theory PPE
this pandemic as largely being shouldered by frontliners and their work. and to put it lightly, it’s unfortunate that they aren’t given their due— wearing my personal PPE and being fully covered sent me into a freakout because of how stuffy and constricting it was (this is to say that healthcare professionals have to wear more layers than this AND work their hours while under enormous stress
i don’t know!! i just have a lot on my mind and worries about how irresponsibility isn’t only harming people, but also wildlife OK i’m just trying to cope using art ;_;
this is also a response to pent up frustrations about how our healthcare workers are getting paid practically CRUMBS but also treated unfairly to boot— which is such a big jump from what I read on how plague doctors were treated when I was doing research for this project. 
*note: in the middle of me finishing the beak and posting this project, a storm hit my country— its effects were largely due to climate change and how third world countries have to bear the brunt of our natural resources being destroyed by first world countries


ruminations of the pandemic and its effects on people and wildlife— and development
