Toddle Punk – Ťulino's musical stories

Book for children with a musical motif. Lyrics by Monika Kompaníková were originally created as songs, later developed into short stories about the boy named Ťulino. The musical motif runs in a form of a headphones cable that accompanies the reader throughout the book. Before each Ťulino's story there is its original song lyrics, since music CD was released as well. The main visual concept stands on three distinctive Pantone colours, adopted then by the illustrator. The book cover uses a paper imitation of leather canvas. Square format is suitable for children's hands, heavier weight of Olin Smooth paper complemented with larger font allows better handling and legibility for older children.

Toddler Punk
Illustrations Bianka Török
Fonts Dobro, Graphit
Paper Surbalin Vario Leather, Olin Smooth High White
Client Monokel
Promo photo © Nora & Jakub Čaprnka

Toddler Punk


Toddler Punk
