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Hollard 2021 Calender

Designs for HOLLARD'S 2021 Calendar

Each month's design was created to work as a separate standing poster and focuses on a different issue. In the printed version of the calendar, the designs are accompanied by prompts of how the viewer can address the various challenges throughout the month.


Cover design

The cover represents all 12 Months' social issues together in the form of icons,
using inspiration from African patterns and the client's corporate colours.

The cover was created to work both as a landscape version, for desk calenders and portrait, for diary covers.

The first month of the year calls for the viewer to focus on their own personal health,
through regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Rather than focusing on romantic love, February's design promotes showing love and solidarity to your community in the form of supporting one another and also simple acts of kindness and giving, or just showing respect to each other.

March calls for the viewer to be more open to people who are different from us, be it different in terms of nationality, language, race, gender or sexual orientation, we can all show love and respect to each other. The rainbow design represents greetings in various languages in South Africa and other African countries.

April focuses on the issue of climate change and calls for the viewer to do their part for Earth Day this year, by putting some time aside to pick up rubbish, plant trees and also making lifestyle changes - all for the love of Mother Earth.

May's focus is on the issue of unemployment and encourages the viewer to share their own skills with their community, whatever it may be, which in turn could help other people turn those newly acquired skills into money-generating career opportunities.

JUNE: Child literacy
In South Africa, Youth Day is on the 16th of June and this month's poster draws focus onto Hollard's InstaStory Books campaign, which along with the Kago Ya Bana Programme, aims to teach children how to read from a young age, helping them be able to work towards a successful future. A quote from Nelson Mandela is represented in the shape of one of the InstaBooks, which can be printed, folded and read by anyone, for free.

Many parts of Africa deal with water shortage on a daily basis, and for July's poster the viewer is reminded to always be water wise by using water mindfully and sparingly,
whilst keeping our environment and fellow humans in consideration.

August: Gender equality
August is Women's Month in South Africa, and this poster calls for equal pay, rights and healthcare for all genders.

September's poster calls for the viewer to put thought into how they throw things away and suggest ways of how to create less waste headed for landfills, such as separating one's trash, making compost from food scraps, and even cultivating one's own garden from seeds found in those scraps.

October encourages the viewer to treat themselves kindly by offering a box of chocolates, or acts self-care, which the viewer can do for themselves and ultimately foster a healthier, and calmer state-of-mind.

NOVEMBER: Speaking up against domestic abuse
November addresses the very serious issue of violence against women and children, encouraging the viewer to not keep quiet if they see a neighbour, friend, colleague or even their own family member being mistreated by their spouses or family members.

DECEMBER: carbon footprint
December encourages the viewer to reduce their own carbon footprint by not going to far away holiday destinations that require plane rides and a lot of CO2 emissions to get there. Instead, the audience is encouraged to discover the beautiful destinations their own country or continent have to offer.

A version was created for both South Africa, and the whole continent of Africa.

Thank you for viewing. May you all have a wonderful 2021, while keeping in mind how we can help other people, our planet and ourselves along the way.
Hollard 2021 Calender


Hollard 2021 Calender

Hollard 2021 Calendar, representing various issues the viewer can work on towards bettering the world and themselves throughout the year.
