Zara Mana's profile


Here's a question I think all you live performance musicians, singers and bands should be asking yourselves about your show. How much do you know that you don't know?
I teach a music biz course at a local college and I drum into my students the importance of taking a reality check on all aspects of themselves, their music and their act. This includes their stage Light music  show.
But, it wasn't until I took the time a little while back to attend, as an observer, a workshop facilitated by American performance coach Tom Jackson that I came to realize just how much that even I wasn't aware of that goes into making for a compelling, dynamite performance.
One of the things that continually confounds me about artists is how little value most place on the importance of certain critical factors that make for an act's success in this business. One is the acquisition of a strong knowledge base about the music biz itself, something that is obviously of special interest to me, but another is the art of live performance. It's one thing to put time, effort and money into honing your vocal skills or musicianship, it is quite another to learn how to deliver that artistry effectively.
When you think about it, it doesn't really make sense to develop your instrumental or vocal talent without putting some serious effort into learning how to reach your audience. It's a bit like building yourself a wonderful sailboat but not bothering to learn how to sail it.


