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Refresh Christmas 2020 | Bifold Booklet

A journey guided by a star, a prayer over the desert sky

Project: Refresh Christmas 2020 - Bifold Booklet (Print)
Client: Refresh, Auckland, New Zealand
Design Studio: Windsor Creative, Auckland, New Zealand

- Refresh is a ministry to support women parenting alone, run by Windsor Park Lifecare Trust.
They intended to hold a Christmas service for their community and required a print material for the people attending this service. 
- This print material contains a prayer, a portion of Bible scripture and other information.


“In my darkest nights 
when the path ahead seems undetectable 
and the journey is frightening, 
may I too know the leading of the star.”

The client wanted the full version of a heart-warming prayer, as quoted above, printed on the front cover.

The event’s theme centres around the story of the Magi, so I layout the prayer words upon an illustration depicting their trip to Betlehem, guided by the star.

The illustration available was in landscape format and because the prayer was rather lengthy and occupied most of the page, I adjusted the illustration to allow wider space for the prayer while reserving the three Magi and the guiding star.

The idea of a visual style that resembles a story book was explored, combining various hand lettering fonts in a trendy fashion, while imbuing it with a kind of fairy tale look and feel.


The words of prayer flowed into the dessert sky, lighting up the darkness with encouragement and hope, pointing the way to God the saviour.

A drop cap began to reveal the journey of the Magi to find the newborn baby, the new hope for the fallen world.

The Magi’s long and dusty journey through the desert appeared in low opacity on the background. There, the personal challenges of the single moms were also represented, thus recognised and articulated.

Exploring the design to make this Christmas theme visually ‘alive’ and resonate with the attendees is a way to support this ministry and help these women find the ‘light’ as the Magi followed ‘the star’ to find Bethlehem.

Thank you for checking out this project =)

Refresh Christmas 2020 | Bifold Booklet

Refresh Christmas 2020 | Bifold Booklet


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