Evelyn Tanasha's profile

LEGIBLE Publication

In this modern era, people have more focus on their smartphones rather than their surroundings. They rarely look out the windows of public transport while going or returning home from work, they glue their eyes on their phones instead. This is quite a shame, as they are drifting further apart from the beauty of their suburbs, and they care less of other individuals. 

LEGIBLE is a one-off publication that is produced to remind people to appreciate nature in their surroundings. We understand that people are busy and have tight schedules in their life, therefore LEGIBLE pushes people to appreciate nature of their surrounding suburbs, simply when they go out to commute to do their daily activities. 

LEGIBLE highlights the importance of legibility in the play of shadow and light. The concept of this publication depicts the golden hour time and how the light from the sun rays affects the surroundings in creating shadows. As the sky during golden hour tends to be warm coloured, this publication also intends to deliver the feeling of golden hour through orange, beige, and grey colour throughout the publication.

The ideal outcome of readers after reading the publication is that they are reminded of the beauty of the Earth, and are encouraged to appreciate nature more.
LEGIBLE Publication

LEGIBLE Publication
