2020 - Personal project
Handmade paper
This project departs from a phenomenon that frequently happens in the city I used to live in, Bekasi, where at least once a year, there would be a massive flooding. Oftentimes, books get drenched and broken. It is bothersome how they are taking up the space at home while being unusable. Therefore, repurposing this waste became an idea.
Papermaking process starts from shredding unused papers, soaking in water, blending into pulp, shaping using a mould and deckle, and hanging up to air dry.
These brand new papers are functionable just as the same as the original ones.
Upon seeing the potential and amount of recycled papers I could produce, I decided to open a small business where most of the customers came to buy these papers for thank-you or invitation cards.
Handmade Paper


Handmade Paper
