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Stephen Shabot Aids COVID-19 Reopening With PPE for

Stephen Shabot Aids COVID-19 Reopening With PPE for Major Retailers Across the Country
“As businesses across the country slowly reopen, they must meet their state’s requirements for health and safety,” says  Stephen Shabot. “And that means PPE.”

Each state has its own requirements for businesses that are being allowed to reopen after lockdown, but all of them include rules about employees wearing appropriate personal protection equipment - or PPE. 

What Is PPE?  Stephen Shabot  Explains

“PPE - or personal protective equipment - is protective apparel like gloves, face shields, surgical masks, goggles, respirators, gowns, and other equipment designed to protect the wearer from exposure to illness or infection,” explains  Stephen Shabot, owner of LifeBalance Medical Supply Co. 

“PPE is standard protocol in the medical industry - those are the clients I’ve been serving since we started,” points out  Stephen Shabot. “But now, restaurants, casinos, grocery stores - industries that have never had to find and order this kind of supplies before - they need PPE to keep their businesses open and keep their employees and customers safe.”

This Is a New Step for Life Balance Group LTD Says  Stephen Shabot

“Life Balance Medical Supply Co. specializes in importing, manufacturing, reselling, and distributing medical products and health and wellness products to small and medium-sized medical practices, big-box retail, government entities, and industrial corporations,” continues  Stephen Shabot. “We also sell directly to the end-user.”

With the rise of COVID-19 and the safety measures and restrictions that have arisen as a result of the pandemic, Life Balance Group LTD has been given the opportunity to expand their reach. “When I first started in this business, I wanted to help keep the medical community stocked and safe,” says  Stephen Shabot.

“But now my company has the opportunity to help keep everyone safe and supplied with the PPE they need to do business. It’s a privilege and a responsibility.” 

And indeed,  Life Balance Medical Supply Co. has been successfully supplying PPE for a wide variety of industries and businesses ranging from big-box retailers and industrial companies to casinos as they all move forward with re-opening. 

Stephen Shabot, owner and founder of the company, tells us they have secured monthly replenishing  programs  with big names like Macy’s, Tommy Hilfiger, MGM Grand, and Urban Outfitters. 
“Outside of the retail space, we’re also proud to be working with the U.S. Army, the Air Force, and the Navy,” says Stephen Shabot. “We’re also supplying PPE for the State of Wisconsin, Georgia, Maryland, and New Mexico.

“It’s a grave and uncertain time,” says  Stephen Shabot. “But we’re doing everything we can to keep supply chains open and everyone who needs it supplied with the safety equipment they need to do their jobs and stay healthy.”
Stephen Shabot Aids COVID-19 Reopening With PPE for

Stephen Shabot Aids COVID-19 Reopening With PPE for
