Hi!   We picked him up from a little orphanage near our home when we first moved here. My husband made him a huge aviary. But we do not limit him in liberty. As our friend, he's free to walk almost everywhere.
 My name is Larissa. I'm married. I'm 30 years old. We live in a large house in the countryside together with both daughters and a dog. We used to live at a good neighborhood within the middle, and a few years back we moved out of town. Out of town there's absolutely no difficulty to spend time together. We perform, have fun and revel in life.
I am a designer by instruction. For my further inventive activity the college became an incontrovertible base. The knowledge gained during these years helps me to sit down in your home and in my principal function. At present I work as a manager at the online store https://divine-light.ru /. My job is to help people locate the perfect light for them. I have extensive knowledge within this area.
It all started when, while still studying, I started working as a part-time worker in a store of lamps and lamps. There was not anything particular about this work. However, I had been so fascinated with the odd, designer along with other original lamps, figurines and so on, which I started to acquire more and more to it. As a designer, I discovered a new world of beauty. Can you imagine how much light can destroy your original interior design?
Not too long ago I made a decision to change our home myself. In search of ideal lighting fixtures, I seen more than one display, reviewed several designers' functions and studied more than 1 material on the specialized area of the question. I wished to make our already cozy dwelling in the countryside much more authentic, warm and hospitable. For this use, I chose lamps with gentle light and laconic design.
Our dog's name is Simon, it's a labrador. He is extremely friendly and faithful dog. He's quite reverent to our children, to babysit them. Simon is our buddy, this dog is, without exaggeration, a member of our family.
Divine Light

Divine Light
