According to my research ,Art Movements are the collective titles that are given to artworks which share the same artistic ideals, style, technical approach or timeframe and interesting enough about this movement is there are no fixed rules to follow.

These are some of the example of how people used to advert their products. The hand drawn oil painted retro style really caught my attention and impress how back in the past they able to come up such captivating concept well considering how limited technology back then still their art work is iconic although problematic such as promoting racial slur, sexist and biased.
These two are the original photos that i used in this project. This project is actually really simple to create. Basically the process is just manipulating both photo by matching up the theme aesthetics and cut the unnecessary part using lasso which then position each layers accordingly before merged and by the way, the simple story about what i am representing here is basically how Apple would promote their high tech smartphone in the 1950s where nowadays it would be considered cheesy.

 Well,  although initially i was wanting to channel fully pop art for the theme of this project however i am happy how the artwork is subtle looking like renaissance but not grand.  
Trippy surrealism poster infusion with retro art pop inspired by MTV short tv transitions 
Art Movement

Art Movement
