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The Finest Homes Booklet

The Finest Homes - Page by Page
MKF Design | Gift Booklet
For this project I was asked to create a 7x10in gift booklet, the booklet needed to be 12 pages long, limited to only one picture. It also needed to have a front outside/inside cover as well as a back outside/inside cover. For the text that would be the basis of the booklet, I could pick any talk from the most recent Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint General Conference given this last April. I decided to run with the talk, The Finest Homes, given by Elder L. Whitney Clayton. 
Throughout my project I wanted to keep my design elements consistent with the talks theme of interior design, engineering, blueprints, etc. This is why I chose a more subtle and neutral color palette of blue, just like blueprint, orange for a more home feel, and then white because that is what I think of when imagine finest, pure, and clean. 

I also wanted to only use lines for any geometric accents because I felt it was consistent with the engineering and design theme, but I also felt it kept a sleek touch while helping the viewers eyes around the page, and not cluttering the page or being a distraction from the text. 

In my spreads I had great use of alignment by keeping all of the body copy text the same width, all of my block quotes were aligned to columns or text too. Another part of my alignment included keeping my borders in line with my page numbers as well as footnotes, keeping the layout consistent across the board, helping the viewer know what to expect while have each page different and unique. 

My design also used visual hierarchy by adding texture to my first paragraphs, as well as the subheads that I created because the talk did not have any written. This helped the reader feel like there were parts to remember rather than pages full of text. ​​​​​​​

The Finest Homes Booklet

The Finest Homes Booklet
